The CONNECTIVITY Program provides children and youth on the Island of Hawaii a safe haven to gain FREE access to the internet or WIFI and the use of education based technology devices to aid in distance learning.

The Island of Hawaii’s CONNECTIVITY Program is a technology based learning program. The CONNECTIVITY Program at the Island of Hawaii YMCA Campus provides children and youth on the Island of Hawaii a safe haven to gain FREE access to the internet or WIFI and the use of education based technology devices to aid in consistent distance learning attendance, class participation, access to online educational resources, printing and homework completion through platforms such as ZOOM, Webex and Google Classroom.
Who Is Eligible To Participate?
Those families whose student(s) between the ages of 5-18 years old, are faced with difficulty connecting to the internet and WIFI that aids in the student’s ability to maintain consistent distance learning attendance, access to online educational resources and homework completion. Those families whose children are active participants in the NEW HORIZONS and CONNECTIVITY CHILD CARE Program have access to the facility and the use of the YMCA’s technology services offered through the CONNECTIVITY Program.
CONNECTIVITY Hours of Operation
*Reservations for access and use are required due to the Island of Hawaii YMCA’s adherence to the County of Hawai’i’s restrictions related to COVID-19
Monday through Friday 8am to 7pm; Saturday, Sunday 8am - 5pm
How Does My Student Get Started?
- Proof of Residency
- Parent/Guardian ID
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Complete the Island of Hawaii YMCA Membership Application Form
- Complete the Island of Hawaii YMCA Waiver Adult and Youth Waiver Form
- COVID 19 Waiver Form
If you questions about our Connectivity Program, please call Jason Estrella at 808-935-3721 or e-mail